Quicken Error OL-221-A majorly takes place, while downloading transactions from the bank. The probable causes behind this issue may be weak internet connection or may be bank server is unavailable or down. Before beginning with the troubleshooting process, this is very necessary to identify the problem.
Main Indications of Quicken Error OL-221-A
Error OL-221-A Displays on the screen.
Your PC freezes with “Error OL-221-A”, when running the similar program.
Your computer system freezes some times.
Error OL-221-A displays and the system crash with running application.
Main Causes of Quicken Error OL-221-A
Quicken is not able to get a legal response from the bank during transaction efforts.
Weak Internet connection or network has disrupted.
The bank server is down.
Quicken is not responding at the time of bank transaction.
Important Steps to Solve Quicken Error OL-221-A
Step1-You have to update Financial Institution
First of all, you have to open Quicken and choose, “Tools” button.
Secondly, Find one step update summary and make sure for the financial institute experiencing this error.
Next, you have to go to the account register.
Then, you have to click on “Account” button shown at the right side.
Finally, you have to click on “Update” now.
Step2-Make sure that your internet connectivity is working correctly and have a safe connection to make the transactions.
Step3- Disable the firewall and antivirus program
You have to enable the antivirus and firewall, when this error is resolved.
Step4-Update your financial institution information
First of all, you have to go to the Tools button and open an online center.
Secondly, you need to pick up the financial institution that you want to update.
Click and Hold “CTRL-Key” Button
Press F3
Select the financial institution that you’re working on.
Now, refresh and status will be displayed as, “requirements updating”.
You have to click on “OK” and update/send button.
Finally, you need to enter your password and click on “Update” button. Thus, by following the above steps, you can resolve Quicken Error OL-221-A appropriately. Still, if you’ve any issue, you can call at Quicken support number +1-888-817-0312 to get solid Quicken solutions.