The Quicken Error OL-221-A generally occurs while downloading transactions. It can also happen while trying to add an account. It is mostly associated with issues from the bank’s side. However, it is also possible that there is some glitch on the user’s end. In this post, we cover the OL-221-A error and also fix it. So stick to the end to find the most convenient solution for you.

Causes behind Quicken Error OL-221-A
· Active VPN might lead to the OL-221-A;
· There can also be connectivity issues with the bank;
· Another possibility is temporary server outage or downtime.
How to Fix the Quicken Error OL-221-A
After covering the reasons, we can proceed to the fixes. However, before you fix OL 221 A error quicken, there are certain things to take care of. These include;
· Create a backup file as a fallback. Navigate through Backup and Restore > Back up Quicken File… > Back up Now.
· Also, update Quicken to the latest release by navigating through Help > Check for Updates.
Now let’s look at the fixes.
Method 1: Nullify Online Payment
1. Launch the Quicken app, navigate to Tools > Online Center;
2. Next, select the correct Financial Institution from which you’re making the online payment;
3. Click on the Payments tab, then navigate through Payment > Cancel Payment;
4. Finally, click Yes to confirm cancellation.
Method 2: Refresh Online Account Information
1. Navigate to Account and wait for the account register is open;
2. Click on the Gear with a drop-down menu beside it. It will be present near the top-right corner of the application;
3. Next, click Update Now or use the shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+U;
4. After this, enter the vault or bank password and click Update Now;
5. Next, try to update the accounts again.
Method 3: Wait for 1-2 Business Days
If the above two do not work, then you might need to wait. Try somewhere around 24-48 business hours. There might be a server outage with the bank or even downtime. If the issue persists, connect with the bank for confirmation.
If there are no issues from the bank’s end, proceed to the next step.
Method 4: Deactivate-Reactivate Account
1. The first step of this is the deactivation of the account. For this, navigate through Tools > Account List;
2. Next, choose the problematic account and click Edit;
3. Here, opt for Online Services, and then click Deactivate;
4. Hit Yes to confirm your choice. Next, click OK > Done to end the deactivation process;
5. For reactivation, navigate through Tools > Add Account…;
6. Next, choose the type of account, like Checking, Savings, etc.;
7. After this click on Advanced Setup and enter the name of your bank/financial institution. Now click Next;
8. In the next screen, choose the connection method and click Next;
9. Here enter the bank’s Username and Password, and click Connect;
10. Wait for Quicken to detect your account. Once done, reactivate it;
11. IMPORTANT! Just remember to Link your account. If you Add the account, there will be duplicate transactions;
12. Finally, click Next > Finish to confirm your selection.
To sum it all up
The fix OL 221 A error quicken might be due to issues on the bank’s end. However, it is better to be sure that you are not lacking behind on anything. Confirm if there is downtime from the bank, and if not then proceed with the fixes. However, please ensure that you are using the latest version of the application and have a backup of your data.