Your quest ends if you looking to transfer Quicken data to QuickBooks desktop. The procedure of transferring Quicken data into QuickBooks desktop will be covered in depth.
Changing from Quicken to QuickBooks is a straightforward method. IN THIS ARTICLE, you’ll learn how to convert a Quicken file to QuickBooks? In addition, upgrade the File using Quicken converter first before directly converting to QuickBooks desktop.

Steps to convert Quicken file to QuickBooks
Make the following adjustments to import Quicken data into QuickBooks desktop:
Utilizing the Quicken Converter
Ensure you haven't already installed a version of the tool before beginning the usage process. In that case, remove it from the computer before downloading the relevant one from the links below:
Step 1: Download the convertor tool to the QuickBooks desktop.
If you wanted to convert quicken file to QuickBooks so, first you have to download QuickBooks desktop, after that you can proceed to the next procedure.
Step2: Go for installation and convert to QuickBooks version
After download you can go to install QuickBooks version and follow these steps.
· Launch the Quicken converter after download, then select Next. The next step is to begin the Quicken converter's installation, select Next and press Install.
· Choosing the Launch Quicken converter and pressing Finish are your next steps. After completing that, select I transfer data from Quicken for Windows and start again.
· Choose File from the Menu, then click Open a data file on this system.
· Click the OK button after browsing the Quicken file. The new Quicken data file must be saved as the final step by selecting Save and then Edit.
· QuickBooks users begin converting the tool in QuickBooks once the File is upgraded to a compatible QuickBooks version.
Step 3: Seek out .QDF rather than.QFX.
The tool produces a.QFX file even though it produces a.QDF file. You need to convert this File, not the.QFX version. The upgraded Quicken file, located in the same folder as your original Quicken file and named Q18Files or Q17Files, should be selected. The name of the original data file may appear on the.QDF file as well.
Usage of conversion tools
With the help of QuickBooks' conversion tool, you can convert the Quicken file to QuickBooks. Following these steps will help you achieve this:
· Before choosing Utilities, select the File option. Convert and choose From Quicken as well.
· The Quicken file wants to convert after making a selection.
· The conversion utility will assist through the remaining steps of the conversion as
the last step.
If the process is completed, then how to convert a quicken file to QuickBooks will be simple. To contact our team of round-the-clock available QuickBooks desktop support team, don’t hesitate for additional information or technical support.